Instructions for creating Mechanik Routes...

We are extremely grateful for these instructions for creating Mechanik route files, as very kindly translated by PilotHN. Please send us your thoughts or tips for inclusion in a forthcoming faq, which will hopefully clarify some of your issues of concern.

Take this brother, may it serve you well...

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The specification of route file

Translation by Tomasz Kuzniak

The route file in the "Mechanik" simulator contains The set of all objects, which are visible during the journey. These objects are differentiated between two types: graphic objects - visible during the journey and non-visible objects but influencing the journey (e.g.:speed fixing objects, objects which manage a train motion, etc.).

There are two types of graphic objects in current format of the track: textured objects (which are subject to usual rules of 3D transformation such as: rotation) and flat objects constantly faced to plane of the screen ( colled further calibratable objects).

Triangles, qadrangles and pentagons belong to objects which are able to be covered by texture. All of this poligons are described in 3D space by means of points with three co-ordinates (x,y,z).

There are 3 points for triangle, suitably 4 and 5 for qadrangles and pentagons. It must be paid attention to set points onto the same plane in 3D space - it ensure proper texturing of poligon.

During design of the route it's necessery to take the following scale: 200 units (points)in designed track relate to 1 metre in real life.


There are following types of visible objects: Markers: Each of these markers is activated while the train has passed him.

Each of graphic objects (visible) as well as markers has his own data format described below ( I translated a part of parameters):

textured free object

textured transparent object

textured horizontal object

calibratable object


Numbers describing speed (for semaphores) have following equivalents (see v_cur and v_next):
Numbers describing type of semaphore have following equivalents (see typ_sem):

sound marker

speed marker

siren marker

stop marker

SHP security device marker (automatic brake of the train)

currentless drive marker

rotation marker (very hard)

correcting marker (nobody knows how to use it)

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